June masterclass video

Masterclass: Our #1 hack for keeping security champions current

Apply exclusive insights to your own long-term security champions strategy

These questions come up a lot when we talk to organisations running security champions programmes…

  • What’s next?
  • How do I keep my champions engaged?
  • How do I sustain their learning?
  • How do I avoid the programme fading out after launching with a bang?

In this masterclass, the team at National Grid guide us through their three-tier Advocate Advancement Programme.

Find out what the genius combination of learning, rewards, and incentives looks like in practice, and why it’s effective at keeping their Advocates’ spark alive.

National Grid chose to partner with Layer 8 to develop this programme. Our collaboration is ongoing to develop Advocates across three critical areas: presentation skills, security culture, and leadership.

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Video - Masterclass: Our #1 hack for keeping security champions current

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