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How to build a collaborative strengths-based security champions programme

Embarking on a journey to enhance organisational security often sparks questions about where to begin and what to focus on. The key is to start out on the right foot: address the right topics, and lay down a solid foundation.

Our March 2024 Layer 8 Champions® masterclass explored how to kick-start your security champions initiative in the most effective way possible. Focused on the first three months of your programme, these cornerstone activities are guaranteed to set you up for success – or, breathe life into a stagnant security champions network.

The session focused on four key areas:

1. Strategic alignment: Experience has shown us the importance of aligning your security programme with overarching organisational goals. Understanding how your efforts contribute to achieving top-level strategic aims and communicating these links clearly to stakeholders helps to ensure that your endeavours aren’t shut down before you’ve begun.

2. Moments that matter: Layer 8 works with all its clients to help them identify critical touch points when decisions made by individuals may significantly impact security. These pivotal moments require focused attention, because they can determine the difference between maintaining security, or introducing risks.

3. Taking a baseline: First and foremost, it’s crucial to assess existing security culture across the whole organisation. You can make headway with the Layer 8 Champions® Self-Assessment, before rolling something out to all (or a representative sample) colleagues. Both sets of insights help guide your programme strategy and track progress effectively.

4. Administrative preparation: Set up administrative tasks such as scheduling meetings, raising manager awareness, and determining the minimum viable number of participants. Make use of the time between recruiting security champions and the first meeting with volunteers to engage individuals and provide them with relevant information.

What we talk about becomes reality

Start your initial workshop by addressing potential misconceptions – reframing the narrative helps to shift perspectives. Instead of dwelling on negatives, focus on positives to open up possibilities. Remember, champions don’t need to be security experts from the outset; they can be nurtured and guided along the way.

A [Layer 8] blueprint for success

Use our blueprint to emphasise the importance of conversations, collaboration, and a positive focus. Security champions play a vital role in facilitating changes within the organisation; the blueprint promotes effective communication over technical expertise.

Flip your approach to change

Our methodology employs Appreciative Inquiry techniques (David Cooperrider) to identify strengths and envision desired outcomes. This approach builds upon existing successes and fosters a culture of continuous improvement.

Human skills

Equip champions with the necessary human skills to drive behavioural change effectively. Incorporate psychological principles and behavioural models to empower champions in their roles.

Resources and support

Equip your network of security champions with ready-made resources and support to make their role as communicators easier. We recommend tailoring content to resonate with different audiences, while ensuring messaging is consistent.

Measuring success

Establish measurement criteria and data sources to demonstrate the value and impact of your programme over time. Monitor progress and adjust your plan as needed to ensure your network remains effective.

By laying down these foundational elements and providing ongoing support, you can empower your security champions to drive measurable change within your organisation. Using these principles, we can lower business risk and create a more secure environment for all stakeholders involved.

If you’re implementing readymade resources, it’s possible to familiarise security champions with their role and responsibilities sufficiently enough so that they have the confidence to get out among colleagues and become active in just 90 days. Will you put the plan to the test?

Watch the full masterclass replay to get access to nearly ALL Sarah’s secrets that factor into our 90-day set up plan.

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