Chances are you heard about Twitter’s security problems. Former security chief, Peiter Zatko, testified that the company misled users and US regulators about gaps in its security. He also claimed that Twitter underestimated how many fake and spam accounts are on its platform.
What is most shocking in all of this, is that the company’s most senior executives were trying to cover up Twitter’s vulnerabilities. In fact, it was when Zatko attempted to talk about the security lapses to Twitter’s board that he was fired.
This is wrong on so many levels. Because the key to creating a proactive security culture is trust. Trust that if people speak up, they will be listened to and dealt with fairly.
Whether you are pro or anti Twitter – and setting aside the obvious technical issue of too many people having access to too sensitive systems and user data – my question to you is: how is your organisation supporting your staff?
How are you letting colleagues know you want them to speak up, to ask what they might deem ‘stupid’ questions, and to tell you where they think things can be improved. Because it’s only by creating a culture of collaboration that we truly have a chance of protecting our organisations and our people.
So, while lessons can be learned from Twitter’s mistakes, how about we flip the perspective. Instead of talking about problems in security, let’s see these gaps as opportunities. Opportunity to ask ourselves ‘how can we be better’. But in order for this to happen, we need senior leaders to get on board.
Find out how you can make this happen in our latest masterclass, which is all about creating a security culture strategy that your bosses will back. It’s available on our Layer 8 Champions® Hub, along with a downloadable PDF for you to stick on your wall – or under your management’s nose!
Sign up to our Hub and download it now!