How to measure your security champions programme: from baseline to behaviours

How to measure your security champions programme from baseline to behaviours image

Measuring the success of your cyber security champions programme is a crucial part of the process, in order to track progress, identify areas for improvement, and demonstrate its value to stakeholders. Regular assessments and evaluations can also help identify gaps in training and knowledge sharing, and ensure that your programme remains relevant and effective. Security […]

Let’s hear it for collaboration when creating champions programmes

Let’s hear it for collaboration when creating champions programmes image

Do you sometimes feel like David battling against Goliath, when it comes to protecting your company against cyber crime? Turns out you’re not alone.  According to Layer 8 research 75% of CSOs struggle to get their business to take security awareness more seriously. As a result, they are left feeling unsupported and overwhelmed when establishing […]

Why Blue Monday can be an incentive for positive change

Why Blue Monday can be an incentive for positive change image

Today is apparently the ‘most depressing day of the year’. What a cheery thought for a cold Monday morning (well it is here in the UK). Blue Monday was created by psychologist Dr Cliff Arnall, who worked out a formula to show how the third Monday in January is just about as bad as it […]

Watch our SANS presentation NOW!

We were so excited when our CEO Sarah Janes was invited to talk at this year’s SANS Security Awareness Summit. And you can now watch her presentation online. The theme at this year’s SANS was ‘Managing Human Risk’, which is all about driving behaviour change. This is at the very heart of what we do […]